Delphie- Wallcovering
Delphie- Wallcovering
Textured Wallcovering
Pattern: Shadow, Egret, Opal, Hoya, Swedish Grey, Ash, Topestry
Description: Undulating spots come together to form a trail of graceful willow leaves that sit elegantly on a detailed, hand-drawn strie design, enhanced by lustrous metallic detailing and a textural emboss for an alluring finish.
Width: 68 cms (26.8 ")
Length: 10.05 Metres (11.0 Yards)
Properties: The fine stitches of embroidery and the mirroring of the floral across this immersive wallcovering.
Sample Size: 90cm x 100cm
Repeat: Pattern Repeat
Uses: Paste the Wall
Care: Washable