Alumina- Wallcovering
Alumina- Wallcovering
Printed Wallcovering
Pattern: Carbon, Bisque, Silica, Porcelain, Plaster
Description: Alumina Wallcovering is a single colour print that mimics the surface of potter Kyra Cane’s ceramics. This appealing wallcovering features areas of gloss and matt that create a fluid and irregular organic pattern. The Alumina Wallcovering has an interesting tonal softness that gives the design a contemporary feel.
Width: 69 cms (27.2 ")
Length: 10.05 Metres (11.0 Yards)
Properties: A variety of innovative techniques include flocking, beads, metallic effects all on non-woven grounds.
Sample Size: 90cm x 100cm
Repeat: Pattern Repeat
Uses: Paste the Wall
Care: Scrubbable