Les Forets Collection
Reference: 48070 PALMIER, 48071 OAK, 48072 HONEY BEIGE, 48073 SKYLIGHT
Composition: Natural wallcovering on non-woven backing
Description: Combination of narrow and wide strips of raffia glued by hand and woven into an attractive whole
Dimensions: Width 91.44 cm (36.00"), sold by the linear metre/yard
Repeat: Free match 0 cm (0.00")
Adhesive: Adhesive for non-woven wallcovering like Arte Clearpro or 100% dispersion adhesive
How to paste: Moisten the product, paste the wall
Light resistance: Good lightfastness
Care: Spongeable during hanging (dab away damp glue)
How to remove: Strippable
Fire retardancy: B-s1, d0 / Class A